G4: Propose two project ideas
- Due Nov 11, 2018 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
Write down two projects you might like to work on. For each list :
- the partners you would work with or if you would do it alone.
- A one sentence summary of the project
- A one sentence summary of a successful outcome
- A more detailed list of the steps needed to complete the project. (The more steps you can provide the more I will think you understand what you need to do) For each step give:
- whether you think you know roughly what to do, or you dont really understand yet
- what tools or programming you expect to use
- Any other information of pictures that will help explain your goals.
Don't worry if you don't know how to complete your project yet. I'm asking you to write down steps precisely so we can discuss individually in more detail if needed. Pick the area you want to work on and learn about.
As a reminder, my project ideas suggested in class were:
- Video driven animation using the existing blendshapes I gave you (similar to one of the papers)
- Morphing between two faces in 3D (make it look good)
- Create a new blendshape model from scans that allows emotional expression or talking
- A blendshape animation playback tool. Given a directory of blendshapes and a sequence of weights on each frame, play back the 3D model, allowing interaction to rotate the 3D head.
- Build a Morphable Face Model (similar to paper, using PCA) that can be used to fit a new scanned face and then adjust some parameters of the face
- Build a Morphable Face Model and use it to fill in missing or bad data in a face scan
- Make a tool that applies interesting "filters" to the 3D face model. e.g. stretch the nose, or render in a new style, or explode the face. Whatever seems fun. Provide an interface so we can plan with it somehow.
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Total Points:
out of 5