Course Syllabus
PHIL 9, Introductory Symbolic Logic.
Welcome to PHIL 9, Introductory Symbolic Logic! Symbolic logic, as we will learn about it, is a relatively new enterprise with far-reaching applications to linguistics, mathematics, computer science, and more! I’m eager to show you some of my favorite topics in symbolic logic, and to learn about the ideas, questions, and theories you connect with.
Please read the syllabus, and watch the welcome videos (link & link) because they contain important information about the course. You can view the Syllabus by using the quicklinks below. You can also view or download a PDF of the syllabus by clicking here (I recommend saving a copy, just in case).
Susan Stebbing
Kurt Gödel
Bertrand Russell
Alfred Tarski
Susan Langer
Syllabus Instructor Information, Course Description, and Learning Outcomes
Syllabus, Assignments and Grading
Syllabus, Course Calendar
Syllabus: Course Policies, Deadlines, and Campus Resources
Syllabus: Optional Synchronous Zoom Meetings (where to get help with logic!)
Access course Modules by clicking here.
Join Zoom meetings by clicking here.
Truth Tables from Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logic-Philosophicus