Problem Set #2

  • Due Jun 30, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 24
  • Available after Jun 26, 2022 at 11:05am
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Problem sets are published Sunday evening and due each Thursday by 5pm. Answers are published Thursday evening. That gives students about four days to complete each problem set. Graders will evaluate work to make sure students are setting up problems correctly and, at least half the time, coming up with the right answer. If so, the problem set gets a 100%. If not, students receive a temporary grade of 60% and three days to resubmit the work to earn up to 90%. In order to get credit for the resubmission, you’ll also need to complete a Problem Set Resubmission Worksheet (link).

The problems in this problem set correspond to the following exercises in The Logic Book:

pp. 23, 2.1E 1. b, d, f, h; 2. h, j, l, n; 3. d
pp. 36-7, 2.2E 1. b, d, f, h; 2. b, d, f
pp. 55-56, 2.3E 1. b, d, f, h; 2. b, d, f, h

For the purpose of these exercises, you may assume that the absence of outermost parentheses does not disqualify an expression from being an expression or sentence of SL.

Please complete the mandatory self assessment (question 24) to receive full credit. 


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