Course Syllabus
CSE101 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Staff:
- Instructor: Prof. Davis (
- Office hours: (immediately after class I take questions until there are no more)
- Office hours: (immediately after class I take questions until there are no more)
- Graduate TAs
- Eren Dogan (
- Minghao Liu (
- Marzia Binta Nizam (
- Vanshika Vats (
- Undergraduate Tutors
- Githika Annapureddy (
- Alexander Colloredo-Mansfeld (
- Riya Narang (
- Alyssa Ochoa (
- Jinsung Park (
- Joost Vonk (
- Chloe Wong (
Lab Sections:
Section | Day | Time | TA/Tutor | Location |
Section 1 | Monday | 08:00 - 09:05 | Minghao/Joost | E2-192 |
Section 6 | Monday | 19:10 - 20:15 | Minghao | Zoom, E2-192 |
Section 2 | Wednesday | 13:20 - 14:25 | Vanshika/Alyssa | E2-192 |
Section 3 | Wednesday | 17:20 - 18:25 | Marzia/Jinsung | E2-194 |
Section 4 | Friday | 10:40 - 11:45 | Eren/Chloe | E2-194 |
Section 5 | Friday | 16:00 - 17:05 | Riya | Crown 208 |
Office Hours:
Please also check Piazza for any sudden schedule changes!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Lab Section: Minghao/Joost 8:00 am - 9:05 am E2-192 |
LSS Session: TutorHub Signup |
Office Hours: |
Lab Section: Eren/Chloe 10:40 - 11:45 am E2-194 |
LSS Session: TutorHub Signup |
Office Hours: Jinsung 1:30 - 3:00 pm Zoom |
Lab Section: Vanshika/Alyssa 1:20 - 2:25 pm E2-192 |
Office Hours: Vanshika 12:00 - 1:00 pm Zoom |
Office Hours: 5:00 - 7:00 pm |
Office Hours: |
Office Hours: Marzia 4:00 - 5:00 pm Zoom |
Office Hours: Jinsung 1:30 - 3:00 pm Zoom |
Lab Section: |
Lab Section: Minghao Liu 7:10 - 8:15 pm Zoom |
Lecture: |
Lab Section: Marzia/Jinsung 5:20 - 6:25 pm E2-194 |
Lecture: 5:20 - 6:55 pm E&MB206 |
LSS Session: TutorHub Signup |
Office Hours: |
Office Hours: Chloe 8:00 - 10:00 pm Zoom Links to an external site. |
Office Hours: Chloe 8:00 - 10:00 pm Zoom |
- Is there a section during the first week of classes?
- NO
- Do I have to come?
- This is an in-person class. Tests are in person. You have to be there for those. There may be graded classroom activities, bummer for you if you miss. I will not explicitly take attendance.
- What about the discussion sections, do I have to go to those?
- Yes you must reserve this time in your schedule. In past versions of this class tests were in discussion time. We are attempting to move those to class time. If we succeed then discussion is optional, if we fail and have to move tests back to discussion, you will need to be there. Keep it reserved in your schedule.
- Do I have to buy the book?
- The book is "optional". Although its an excellent book that will serve you well. We will use codio for assignments and exams, and you do need to pay for that service if you stay in the course beyond week 3.
- This is also offered by another instructor. Is it the same?
- As similar as we can manage, but I expect many details will be different.
- Can I have a permission code?
- Instructors do not have permission codes. This was a policy change. Its useless to email me. You have to wait until waitlist is active and get on that. If you have weird prereq issues I think your only hope is the advising office.
- I have other special cases I need to ask about.
- If it can wait until we get class started please wait. 90% of questions repeat and are not immediately actionable.
Course Textbooks
- Uncut From 2021 Version of Class (in Google Drive, UCSC login required)
- Edited for 2024 Version of Class (in Google Drive, UCSC login required)
- Yuja Spring 2024
Lecture Schedule:
Date | Topics | HWs | Tests | Slides | Handout | Reference | |
Week 1 | 4/2 | Introduction | - | - | |||
4/4 | Linked lists | Lecture 2 | |||||
Week 2 | 4/9 | Linked lists continued | - | Lecture 3 | |||
4/11 | Stacks, recursion through stacks | Lecture 4 | |||||
Week 3 | 4/16 | Recursion to generate all substrings, Asymptotic analysis, Big-Oh notation | HW1 Due April 21 - Noon |
Linked list April 18 |
Lecture 5 | Chap 3, CLRS | |
4/18 | linear time, constant time, analysis of simple sorting algorithms | Lecture 6 | Chap 3, CLRS | ||||
Week 4 | 4/23 | Binary search analysis, starting binary heaps | - | - | Lecture 7 | Heap viz by Melezinek | Chap 6, CLRS |
4/25 | Binary heaps | Lecture 8 | Chap 6, CLRS | ||||
Week 5 | 4/30 | BSTs continued |
HW2 Due May 5 - Noon |
Stacks May 2 |
Lecture 9 | BST viz by Melezinek | Chap 12, CLRS |
5/2 | Tree traversals, self-balancing BSTs | Lecture 10 | Chap 12, 13 CLRS, wikipedia | ||||
Week 6 | 5/7 | AVL trees | - | - | Lecture 11 | AVL viz by Galles | Chap 12, 13 CLRS |
5/9 | Hash tables | Lecture 12 | Chap 11, CLRS | ||||
Week 7 | 5/14 | Merge sort and quicksort | HW3 Due May 19 - Noon |
Heaps/Trees May 16 |
Lecture 13 | Chap 2.3, 4, 7, CLRS | |
5/16 | Solving algorithms problems – I | Lecture 14 | |||||
Week 8 | 5/21 | Solving algorithms problems - II | - | - | Lecture 15 | ||
5/23 | Graphs and BFS | Lecture 16 | Chap 22, CLRS | ||||
Week 9 | 5/28 |
Loop invariants and proving BFS correctness |
HW4 Due June 2 - Noon |
Arrays and simple data structures May 30 |
Lecture 17 | Chap 2, 22, CLRS | |
5/30 |
Single-source shortest path algorithms |
Lecture 18 | Chap 24, CLRS | ||||
Week 10 | 6/4 |
- | - | Lecture 19 | Chap 22, CLRS | |
6/6 |
?? |
Finals Week | 6/11 | - | - | Graphs June 12 |
6/13 | - |
What we did in classtime:
- 4/1
- Intro class
- 4/4
- Practice problems - linked lists
- Discuss political ChatGPT
- 4/9
- Practice problems - linked lists
- About the professor
- 4/11
- Cancelled - Power out on campus
- 4/16
- Practice test in codio
- 4/18
- Real test in codio
- 4/23
- Palindrome discussion, Substring practice problem, Generative AI on ethnicity
- 4/25
- Jobs and grad school lecture
- 4/30
- 5/2
- Test on Stacks
- 5/7
- BST - Insert, Delete; Social Issues:Facts!
- 5/9
- BST - LCA, Width; 2D Sorting - BSP Trees
- Tests
- There are 5 of them (3 in Codio where you code, 2 in Canvas written style)
- These determine whether you pass the class or not
- Details:
- You get a set of questions in advance, on test day you get one of them
- ~20 lines of code
- Drop the worst test
- e.g. 5/10, 10/10, 7/10, 5/10, 10/10 = (5+10+7+10)/40=80%
- score 70% or above and you insure at least a C
- score 90% or above and you insure at least a B-
- HW
- There are 4 of them
- These control A,B,C grade
- Details:
- ~ 100s of lines of code
- Your code will be run against test cases, strict and tough
- Drop the worst HW
- score 50%, you get at least B-
- score 80%, you get at least A-
You complete this in codio. This is a paid service (you can get a refund if you drop the class). It provides a virtual machine in a web page, so that we all have the same programming environment. Instructions to sign up for codio can be found at Codio Set Up. The details of these assignments will be in the codio system.
- Due Week 3 - Linked Lists
- Due Week 5 - Recursion and stacks
- Due Week 7 - Trees
- Due Week 9 - Graphs
Some exams are also in codio with code answer, and some exams are in canvas with written answers. For exams 1,2,3 in codio, you write real code which must work. Example study questions which closely match the exams will be provided. For exams 4,5 you write psuedocode, the sample questions will be released in the Files section of Canvas, and you take the exam in Canvas. For all exams, you open a full screen window and do your work there. You may not switch tabs or reference other digital content. Notes are not allowed in the exam. You will need to bring a laptop to take the exams.
- Week 3 - Linked list
- Week 5 - Stacks
- Week 7 Heaps and BSTs
- Week 9 - Arrays and simple data structures
- Final - Graphs